The company at a glance
The company at a glance
Since 2005, UC Solutions Ltd (UCS) has been providing secretarial, administrative and compliance services to domestic companies in Mauritius. UCS is now a management company, duly licensed and regulated by the Financial Services Commission (FSC), and can set up, administer, manage, and provide accounting, compliance and other services to global business entities, and can act as qualified trustee and secretary to foundations.
Our dynamic and qualified professionals, with extensive experience in the global business sector and emerging markets, provide tailor made solutions to clients involved in cross border investment, structured finance, Islamic finance and wealth management in an efficient and timely manner.
We partner with Uteem Chambers, a leading law firm in Mauritius and pioneer in financial law. Uteem Chambers provides legal advice to leading international financial institutions, multilateral development banks, inter-governmental organizations and professional advisers including leading international law and accountancy firms.